SAY IT WITH BOOKS : Dis-le en livres aime l'anglais !

Publié le par Rahma

SAY IT WITH BOOKS : Dis-le en livres aime l'anglais !

Hi everybody !

"Say it with books" is the English translation of this blog's original name "Dis-le en livres".
I chose it because, to my mind, books are a great way (the best ?) to convey messages to your loved ones or to anyone !

With this blog post I hereby pronounce the English part of my blog opened !
It's mostly gonna be translations of my haikus and maybe little stories (waaay shorter than short-stories I think).

I might also talk (well, write !) about literary events in English or about English and American literature that would occur in France (like Festival America in Vincennes, and so on)...

If I have the opportunity to take a writing class in English again (like I did with Nancy Lee a few years ago), I'll write about it right here, in Say it with books.

That's it for the beginning ; I'll adjust as time and blog posts go along.

Any suggestion, question and feedback are welcome.

Thank you for the attention !


PS :
1) Sorry for the very bad pic - a better one is coming soon(er or later) !
2) Translation of this post's title : SAY IT WITH BOOKS : "Say it with books" loves English !

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